The idea of courageous sea wolves, the romance of water and waves - this is what attracts some people to become sailors or river sailors. It is very interesting to work on the ship, but at the same time it is dangerous and responsible. After all, anything can happen on the water. Therefore, only the best of the best are hired to work on the ship, who are better suited to "water" positions than others.

It is necessary
- - diploma of special education;
- - seaman's passport.
Step 1
To get to work on a ship, you can follow the simplest path: apply for a job selection in specialized recruitment agencies. Agencies for the selection of personnel for water transport are called crewing. Since their specialization is quite narrow, they select candidates only from among the most suitable. Often, in order to get a job on a ship, you need to have a special higher education, i.e. graduate from the Institute of Water Transport. You can follow an even more simplified path - complete special courses, get a seaman's passport and go to look for the desired job.
Step 2
Of course, you need to soberly assess your abilities. If you are constantly seasick or have any problems with the vestibular apparatus, you are not allowed to board the ships. After all, most of the waterway you will not be able to fully fulfill your duties.
Step 3
You can get a job on a ship without having the special skills of an old sea wolf. To do this, you need to look for vacancies in the service sector (if these are cruise lines) or in the field of cooking (if these are heavy ships). But in the field you are applying for, there must be experience. So, for example, if you want to work as a waitress on a ship, then you need to be able to serve passengers and set tables. It should only be borne in mind that this work, as a rule, is seasonal. In this case, it is quite easy to get on board the ship. Before the start of the water season, start looking for special advertisements on the internet or in newspapers. You can go to the pier and find out about the available vacancies there. The procedure for hiring, as in a regular office, is an interview with the boss.
Step 4
If the situation is completely hopeless: there is no experience, no education, and the desire to work on a ship is great, you can try to get a job on a training ship. Announcements for the recruitment of such ships can, as a rule, be found on the Internet or in specialized periodicals.
Step 5
To get a job on a heavy-duty ship that goes abroad, one desire is not enough. You also need to have a certain package of documents, for example, a valid passport, absence of debts at home, etc. It is also advisable to know English as an international language, so that it is easier to communicate with other team members speaking foreign languages, and at the port where you will be entering. And, of course, for professional seagoing vessels, items from the first and second steps are necessary, i.e. special education and excellent health.