It is dangerous to follow the trail of life with others. You can miss opportunities for self-realization, earn the money you want, and become a professional. Initially, you need to determine in which direction the road is open, and where you should not appear.

Step 1
Find out if you are an extrovert or an introvert. It depends on what kind of work and in what conditions will bring more satisfaction. Extroverts love a party, a large crowd of people, they know how to think quickly. Introverts prefer loneliness, individual work, quickly get tired in a noisy team, think slowly, but investigate the issue deeply. Some people find it difficult to determine their type, because they are prone to both. In this case, any field of activity will do. People with clear signs of one thing need to take this feature into account.
Step 2
Make a list of possible professions. Extroverts are suitable for any direction where activity, movement, communication with people is required. Their professions are: TV presenter, sales manager, event organizer, etc. Introverts feel comfortable doing work alone: programmers, accountants, analysts, etc. This does not mean that an introvert cannot be successful as a sales agent. On the contrary, it will develop weaknesses. But if the choice is made in favor of "native" working conditions, you will be able to realize yourself faster and the work will not cause excessive fatigue.
Step 3
Find out the financial prospects for each area. In addition to professional growth, it is important to have financial success. For some people, this is not essential, but excess money opens up more opportunities for learning and recreation. In different economic periods, one and the same specialty can be either low-paid or vice versa. Filter out directions that are not profitable in the short term.
Step 4
Flip through books for specialists in each area. This is a test for the remaining specialties. If the books seem interesting, exciting, and you want to immerse yourself in the study of the material, a specialty may be suitable. See books by different authors, because some are boring, regardless of the subject matter.
Step 5
Talk to people of your chosen specialty. The final level of validation will show whether the options and operating conditions are indeed suitable for the type you identified in the first step. Keep in mind that the conversation can be conducted with a person who is simply out of place. Such an interlocutor can criticize the choice of specialty and recommend what he is more inclined towards. That is why the check is carried out in several steps.
Step 6
Analyze the information received, impressions and make your final choice. If there is an opportunity to work in the right direction, do it before you devote years to study and work.