All lending institutions offer lending services. Some banks manage to attract a much larger number of customers thanks to the successful work of the marketing department, whose specialists develop proposals that will successfully attract a huge number of customers.

- - marketing department;
- - Analytics department;
- - bonus programs by employees for each attracted client;
- - a system of awards, incentives and rewards for the successful work of departments.
Step 1
To attract customers for lending to your banking structure, create a marketing department. Take young, energetic professionals into it. Encourage success in your work with various bonuses, incentives and rewards. For each attracted client, accrue a bonus in cash.
Step 2
Use different types of marketing. For successful promotion and offer of your move, also award bonus points. The most successful types of marketing are telephone, mail, television, advertising and marketing in the form of one-time promotions, timed to a particular date, for example, to national holidays, to the anniversaries of your organization.
Step 3
Telephone marketing is when professionals call potential customers or various retail outlets. When making targeted calls to potential customers, a marketing specialist must have the ability to interest the audience from the first minute of the conversation, call at a convenient time, most often the most convenient time is considered to be a weekday evening, when everyone is already at home.
Step 4
Marketing moves in the form of one-off promotions are most successful when working not only in the marketing department, but also in the analyst department, who will decide when to apply the offer in the form of a promotion by analyzing the performance of the competitors' market. Also, the analyst department decides in what period of time it is most profitable to launch a television advertisement or an advertisement on city billboards.
Step 5
Several specialists in the marketing department must be inextricably linked with the points of sale, which sell high-value goods purchased on credit. Usually, in such places, several specialists from different credit organizations are equipped with a workplace. This specialist must have the ability to enter into a conversation with the client and briefly explain the more favorable terms of his credit institution.
Step 6
On the recommendation of the analysts department, an advertising campaign is carried out when a loan is provided without interest. Most often, interest is included in the cost of goods by agreement with the store management, or a small interest rate is paid to the bank by the store. Everyone wins, since the store increases sales on interest-free loans, the bank receives a huge number of customers and makes a new offer in the form of a card with an interest-free credit period to the most conscientious payers.
Step 7
With the well-coordinated and productive work of the marketing department and the analytical department, a credit organization always works effectively with a huge number of clients.