It happens that even the work you loved before at some point gets bored and ceases to please. Then every day at work is exhausting, turns into torture, makes you nervous and irritated more and more.

Even if the work is tired and does not bring pleasure and joy at all, you can cope with it. The main thing is to find the reasons for this state of affairs. An employee could get tired, overworked, get stressed, not join a new team, become a participant in a conflict, fall in love with another type of activity, reconsider his life priorities. It is necessary to act depending on what happened in his thoughts, life and career.
Change the atmosphere at work
When an employee works for a long time in one place or is engaged in one type of activity, he gets tired of it, which is a completely natural process. In this case, you can simply ask to change your responsibilities a little, take up another project, shift some of the work to an assistant, and take on new tasks. These changes are not a job change, so you will be familiar with the principle of work and the general requirements for completing tasks, but at the same time, even such a small change in activity will breathe new strength into you and increase motivation. In this case, you can even ask for a transfer to another department or replace an employee while on vacation.
If a conflict arises in the team, try to end it as soon as possible, or step back and do not participate in the office confrontation. At this time, it is unpleasant to be in the workplace, the situation around is tense and every day more and more exhausting, but sooner or later all conflicts must end. It is best to entrust the resolution of the conflict to the head of a department or company.
In case of general fatigue from work, ask for a vacation and forget about the existence of reports, drawings or graphs for at least two weeks. At this time, it is best to leave for a place where you have never been before in order to get positive emotions and a boost of vivacity before returning to work.
Change your job
However, work can get bored to such an extent that the employee no longer wants to see either this company, or his colleagues, or even his usual and already studied documents, transactions, clients, reports. Then there is only one way out - to change jobs or even radically change your activities, to do something new and still unknown. There is no need to be afraid of either a lack of experience or your own age, because only doing what you like can you be a truly happy and contented person. Why torment yourself at work that evokes nothing but negative emotions? It is not for nothing that psychologists advise changing the place of work every 4-5 years - so the employee does not have time to get tired of routine, constantly learns new things and develops his abilities.