Holidays provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation can be paid annually and additional paid annually. Also, vacation can be study or provided without pay. When drawing up a vacation order, some points should be taken into account.

Step 1
The employee is granted leave on the basis of his written application or on the basis of the vacation schedule. The application must be certified by the head of the structural unit, and the head of the personnel service can also make notes on the application. An employee's vacation is formalized by an order (decree).
Step 2
The granting of leave to the employee is recorded in the unified form T-6, that is, in the order (order) on the grant of leave. If leave is granted to several employees at the same time, form T-6a is filled out.
Step 3
The order (order) on the granting of leave to the employee (employees) shall indicate: the name, surname, patronymic of the employee (employees), the type of vacation, the duration of the vacation. It also indicates for what period the vacation is granted, and the date of its start and end.
Step 4
When drawing up an order in the T-6 form, the name, surname and patronymic of the employee are indicated in the dative case. When filling out the T-6a form, these data are indicated in the nominative case.
Step 5
When drawing up a vacation order, it should be remembered that the duration of the vacation is calculated in calendar days. The duration of the annual paid leave under labor law is 28 calendar days. Holidays falling on the vacation period are not counted, are not included in the number of calendar days and are not paid.
Step 6
The employee must read the vacation order and sign it. The draft order is printed in two copies. The first copy remains in the personnel department, and the second is sent to the accounting department, where the wages due for the vacation are calculated (form T-60 Note-calculation on granting leave to the employee). With the written consent of the employee, part of the leave exceeding 28 calendar days can be replaced with monetary compensation.