There are several schemes according to which bonuses can be paid to employees. What is the correct procedure for calculating premiums? And is there a difference when registering incentive payments and payments for the holiday?

Step 1
Issue incentive bonuses in accordance with the terms specified in employment contracts, collective bargaining agreements, etc.
Step 2
Issue incentive bonuses based on the order for their payment.
Step 3
Follow the RF Tax Code when applying for awards. Typically, the payment of incentive and incentive bonuses is included by the taxpaying organization in the remuneration of its employees. Bonuses paid to employees for holidays (for example, New Years) are not equal to such expenses, since they are not directly related to work.
Step 4
Treat premiums paid on holidays as income tax expense. In order to avoid further litigation with the tax authorities on this issue, the conditions for the payment of such bonuses must be spelled out in the collective agreement of your organization. For example, the contract may contain an indication that the employer has the right to pay incentive or incentive bonuses at the end of the year or quarter.
Step 5
Please note that if bonus payments are not attributed to income tax deductible expenses, they will not be charged with UST. In all other cases, the taxpayer must pay unified social tax without fail.
Step 6
Do not forget that personal income tax will be calculated in any case, since the amount of the premium is always included in the tax base. Therefore, the date of receipt of incentive and incentive bonuses is considered the last day of the month for which the income was accrued. In case of payment of pre-holiday bonuses, the date of their actual receipt will be considered the day of their payment, i.e. if the premium, for example, was accrued in December 2011 and paid in January 2012, it must be noted in the 1-NDFL tax card for 2012.