Often employers, when laying off workers due to staff reductions, ask employees to write a letter of resignation. But before you do this, check out the labor laws. It clearly states that layoffs are an initiative of the employer, but if the employee writes a statement, then the dismissal will be considered the initiative of the employee.

It is necessary
Employee's documents, employer's documents, forms of relevant documents, pen, labor legislation
Step 1
To fire employees due to staff reductions, the employer must draw up an order, in the head of the document enter the full and abbreviated name of the enterprise in accordance with the constituent documents or the surname, name, patronymic of an individual, if the organizational and legal form of the organization is an individual entrepreneur. In the administrative part, the surname, name, patronymic of the employee who is subject to dismissal, in accordance with the identity document, as well as the title of the position held in accordance with the staffing table, must be indicated. The personnel department employee is responsible for familiarization with the employee's document. The document must be signed by the director of the company and certified by the seal of the company.
Step 2
Read the layoff order. Put your personal signature, indicate your surname, initials, enter the date of acquaintance.
Step 3
In accordance with labor law, the employer is required to write a notice of dismissal to the employee. The heading of this document should contain your last name, first name, patronymic, the name of the position you hold, the structural unit in which you are registered. In the notification, the employer refers to article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which specifies the procedure for dismissal by reduction.
Step 4
Read the two-copy notice of termination. Please provide your personal signature and date. Enter your surname, initials.
Step 5
After reading the order and notification, continue your labor activity until the expiration of two months. You do not need to write a letter of resignation. Redundancy layoffs are the employer's initiative. If you write an application, this dismissal will be on your initiative, and you lose the right to receive severance pay.
Step 6
Having received a work book in your hands, having familiarized yourself with the letter of dismissal against signature, transfer the cases and receive funds for payment. Register with the employment center, where you will receive an average monthly salary for three months, if you do not find a decent job before.