The amount of sick leave for childcare is calculated based on the employee's average earnings for 12 months. The amount of payment for a certificate of incapacity for work for caring for a child also depends on whether the care is outpatient or inpatient. The length of service for sick leave payment is calculated overall, and not insurance, as it was before.

Step 1
Sick leave is paid to the parents or relatives of the child. A sick leave is not issued to a person who is not a relative and is not paid. The employee's seniority for paying child care benefits is calculated based on all entries in the work book. An employee with a total work experience of 8 years and above receives 100% of the average earnings in 12 months, from 5 to 8 years - 80%, with an experience of up to 5 years - 60%.
Step 2
When caring for a child under 7 years old, no more than 60 days a year can be paid. For outpatient care, the amount is paid, depending on the length of service, only for the first 10 days of sick leave. Starting from the 11th day of care - 50% of the average earnings, regardless of length of service.
Step 3
Only when caring for a child in a hospital is the amount paid, depending on the length of service of the employee in full.
Step 4
When caring for a child from 7 to 15 years old, the amount for a sick leave is calculated in the manner indicated above. Paid no more than 15 days for one case of leaving. No more than 45 calendar days can be paid per year.
Step 5
A caregiver for a disabled child can be paid for 120 days in the current year.
Step 6
When caring for a child who is HIV-infected or has received a serious illness as a result of preventive vaccinations, you need to pay for all the required days of care.
Step 7
If the specified deadlines are exceeded, the certificate of incapacity for work is invalid.
Step 8
Sick leave payment can be obtained from all employers for which this employee works.
Step 9
To calculate the average earnings, you must take the entire amount earned by this employee. It includes amounts for business trips and daily subsistence allowances. Sick leave payments and social benefits are not included in the average calculation amount.