The amount of the salary is indicated in the employment contract between the employee and the employer and is regulated by article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. An increase in monetary remuneration for work is drawn up in a bilateral manner and may have different grounds, which may be indicated in the internal acts of the enterprise or in accordance with article No. 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This article regulates the indexation of wages in accordance with inflation and rising prices for consumer goods. Moreover, labor legislation does not clearly prescribe to enterprises when and how much wages can be raised. Therefore, the increase in the order can be justified in different ways.

It is necessary
- -notification,
- -additional agreement,
- -Order No. T-5,
- - entering information into a personal card and, if necessary, into a work book.
Step 1
In order for a salary increase to be justified, you need to draw up a number of documents that regulate any changes in wages, as well as notify the employee in advance by notification against signature. If, in addition to the salary, it is planned to change the position or its name, you must additionally take into account the instructions on this matter in article No. 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Step 2
Wage increases can be based on compelling reasons or inflation. The relevant facts can be used to indicate the reason. This can be: advanced training, obtaining a diploma at a higher educational institution, obtaining additional education corresponding to a new position or performing other functional duties, long work experience and accumulated experience. If the justification for the increase in wages needs to be drawn up in accordance with article No. 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in connection with the increase in prices, the order is drawn up for each employee separately. The document indicates the basis that the salary has been increased due to inflation and the indexation percentage. An increase in the pay for this reason can not be formalized by notifying the employee, but carried out unilaterally and familiarizing everyone with this fact.
Step 3
In all cases, an order of the unified form T-5 is drawn up. The order indicates from which day of the month and year to raise the salary, the full name of the employee, the position, the number of the structural unit. If, simultaneously with the increase in the salary, the position or official duties change, this is also indicated in the order.
Step 4
An additional agreement is drawn up to the employment contract, all information is entered into the personal card, and if the position changes, into the work book.
Step 5
The accounting department is notified of the calculation of the changed salary.
Step 6
If an employee wants to demand a salary increase, then you need to present weighty and well-reasoned arguments to the employer. The basis for an increase in wages can be: a long experience in a given enterprise, the level of professional training and personal merit, an increase in prices for consumer goods, advanced training or obtaining a diploma.
Step 7
In all cases, a request for a salary increase should be addressed to the head of a structural unit or a direct supervisor.