Sooner or later, the question of increasing salaries has to be raised by an employee who is of value to the company. Its outcome largely depends on how competently the employee selects the arguments and time to discuss such an important issue.

- - knowledge of the situation on the labor market in your industry;
- - arguments in favor of your efficiency for the company and the ability to increase it with a rise in salary;
- - a good relationship with the boss and a good time to talk.
Step 1
An important key to the success of a conceived conversation should be a well-chosen time for this. The boss should be in a good mood, it is advisable that your conversation is not interrupted by colleagues, distracting you or your boss with urgent matters.
The ideal time for this is the afternoon: the morning routine has already been raked out, and the leader has already eaten and is happy with life.
It is even better if the day before you managed to successfully complete the project, to cope with the difficult task assigned to you. Merits tend to be quickly forgotten, so seize the moment.
Step 2
Studying the realities of the labor market in your industry can be a good source of evidence in your favor. Even if you are not going to leave, it will not be superfluous to apply for several vacancies for a specialist of your level, attend interviews, if invited.
If, in the course of such reconnaissance in force, you receive an offer with better conditions, it will serve as an additional argument in the conversation and an alternate airfield in case of an unsuccessful ending.
Step 3
During the conversation, try not to refer to personal circumstances: no one cares about them but you. If you mention them, then in the very last place, especially if the boss already knows.
Focus on what benefits you are already bringing to the company, how much more efficiently you can work when you achieve what you want, and do not forget to refer to the market situation.
If you are value to the company and your arguments are not based on empty space, the likelihood of a mutually acceptable solution is very high.