So that your search for a new job does not stretch out for several months, it is important to write a good resume. Competently stated information about yourself, experience, successes and achievements in the previous place will help to attract an employer, find a place with decent wages and good working conditions. To write a successful resume, you can contact a recruiting agency, or you can do it yourself. The main thing is to know the criteria that it must meet.

Step 1
Keep your resume short. Even if you are highly qualified in your field, the employer will not read it if the information is stretched over several pages. But even with a limited resume, work experience, skills and achievements should be stated clearly and clearly. If you can report a lot of information about yourself and your past work, then you should choose the most basic ones and indicate exactly them. The rest can be communicated at the interview.
Step 2
Present the information in your resume in a logical and consistent manner. It should start with the indication of the full name, address of residence and other contact information (phone, e-mail, icq, etc.), by which you can be contacted. Next, write about your previous work experience. This section should be approached especially carefully. You should not be limited only by the name of the company, the period of work in it and the position. Also indicate what your job responsibilities were, what skills you acquired, what successes were achieved in your previous job. Next, write where you studied and what education, what specialty you received. Indicate the name of the educational institution in full so that the employer does not suffer trying to decipher the abbreviation. If you took any refresher courses, then indicate them. Do not forget to write what languages you know, the level of proficiency in them. After that, you can present additional information about yourself: hobbies related to the desired job, readiness for business trips, etc.
Step 3
When writing a resume, avoid negative information so as not to antagonize the employer.
Step 4
Write correctly and clearly. If the resume contains good work experience, many different skills, but errors are encountered, this can ruin the whole impression of you.
Step 5
Format your resume nicely. Highlight each stage separately so that the employer can immediately find the information that interests him. If you do not know how to design a resume, then use ready-made templates that can be downloaded from various HR portals.