Some of the fair sex believe that it is impossible to be successful in everything. Perhaps the ideal is unattainable, but at least it is necessary to strive for perfection and work on oneself.

Step 1
Take an active position in the areas where you are interested in success. Take the initiative. If you think you can be successful in business, start learning the basics and giving yourself a try. Maybe you want to prove yourself in the creative process. Then find a way to express yourself. Participate in various professional exhibitions, seminars, competitions, conferences and trainings. Don't be afraid to make yourself known. If you want to get closer to your dream, do not expect it to come to you by itself. Take a step towards success.
Step 2
Motivate yourself. To give 100% in some business will help you to understand why you are doing it. Keep your global goals in mind. They will help you succeed in any endeavor. Praise and reward yourself for your accomplishments. If you just once again set the bar higher for yourself, and not celebrate the progress made, your enthusiasm may not last long.
Step 3
If you are interested in many areas of life, identify a few main areas that you will work on first. If you get excited about too many aspects, you run the risk of failing everywhere. Do not overestimate your own capabilities. Allocate your internal resources wisely. Think about how many things you can do with your energy and time, and make a tight schedule in which you will be most effective.
Step 4
In any business, try to do more than is required of you. This will help you reach a new level of skill faster. People who work strictly within established frameworks are less likely to achieve professional success than individuals who are passionate about their work. When completing a study task, try to learn more than the topic requires. When compiling a report on your work, look a little further and make, for example, a forecast that is not your responsibility. Thus, you will constantly grow above yourself, and not stagnate.
Step 5
Take care of yourself. Rest, sleep and vacation should not be neglected. It's another matter whether you are spending a legitimate weekend or evening leisure time with benefit. Being active can help you improve your health. A fun reading of quality literature will raise your intellectual level. Talking to pleasant, successful people can help keep you motivated. But the useless sitting on the Internet or in front of the TV not only will not allow you to truly relax, but will also cause the degradation of your personality.