The responsible employee tries to do as much as possible during the working day. However, it happens that there is not enough time even to do the most necessary things. The consequences of this are delays at work and depression.

It is necessary
Step 1
Make a plan for your work day. In doing so, keep in mind that it must be real. You should not strive to redo absolutely everything in one day. It is best to stick to a weekly and monthly plan, which will allow you to optimally distribute the load.
Step 2
Get in the habit of logging all your business into planning. A special notepad with dates and a place to write things down will help you remember important events. In addition, so you can see the distribution of tasks by day, as well as plan the day by hours and minutes.
Step 3
Set a work pace for yourself in the morning. Don't relax until your lunch break. Maintain your working attitude for the rest of the time. To make it easier for you to do this, promise yourself a small bonus at the end of the day. It can be a favorite treat, a walk, shopping, or chatting with friends.
Step 4
Observe the daily routine. Timely and sufficient sleep will promote vigorous wakefulness. Plus, timing your work and leisure time wisely will keep your body functioning properly. Compliance with the regime will also have a positive effect on your family relationships.
Step 5
Try not to be distracted by extraneous matters, sticking to the list you have drawn up in advance. In the latter, be sure to include a small amount of time for unforeseen moments. In addition, add meal breaks to your to-do list.
Step 6
Don't let yourself be distracted by things like social media. Try to use the Internet strictly for the required purposes. If you yourself cannot limit yourself to this, ask the system administrator to block sites that can distract you from work.
Step 7
Make it clear to co-workers that working hours are devoted only to work matters. There is another time for personal communication. Paying less attention to things like hourly teas and gossip can help you make better use of your time in the service.
Step 8
Learn to negotiate competently. Give the interlocutor only the necessary information on specific issues. Conciseness and clarity will reduce the time for business communication. Use the same when talking on the phone.
Step 9
During work, do exercises for the eyes, a small warm-up for the back, etc. as needed. This will help prevent fatigue and improve your performance. Also use music to help boost your brain activity.