How To Register With The Employment Office Of Moscow

How To Register With The Employment Office Of Moscow
How To Register With The Employment Office Of Moscow

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One of the most tangible consequences of the financial crisis is the risk of job loss. Registration at an employment center gives you the right to receive unemployment benefits. In addition, the center's specialists can help you re-profile or improve your qualifications by completing free training.

How to register with the employment office of Moscow
How to register with the employment office of Moscow

It is necessary

  • - employment history;
  • - the passport;
  • - certificate of income for the last three months of work;
  • - a diploma or other document certifying professional qualifications.


Step 1

Find out the address and opening hours of the employment office. You should know that you can register at the labor exchange only at the place of permanent registration - registration. Persons living in Moscow should contact the Employment Center of their administrative district.

Today in Moscow there are:

- Eastern;

- Western;

- Zelenogradsky;

- North;

- North-East;

- Northwest;

- Central;

- South-East;

- Southwest;

- Southern

district employment offices.

Step 2

Initial registration of the unemployed

This procedure is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the procedure for registering citizens as unemployed. To pass it, you need to come to the employment center for an interview. No documents are required at this stage. Be prepared to answer questions about your reasons for looking for a job. In this conversation, you will also receive all the necessary information about the availability of vacancies, opportunities for retraining and the documents required for registration.

Step 3

After collecting all the documents, contact the employment office again. Registration takes 1 day from the date of submission of the necessary documents.

Step 4

Within ten days, you will be offered two options for work or retraining. You should be aware that these offers must match your:

- the level of professional training;

- state of health;

- conditions of the previous place of work, and also be in the transport accessibility zone.

However, if you fall under one of the following categories of citizens:

- those who did not work before and do not have a specialty;

- dismissed, more than once, for violation of discipline;

- those who have ceased their entrepreneurial activity;

- unemployed for more than one year;

- those who refused to improve their qualifications or receive a related specialty;

- who were registered at the employment center for more than 18 months;

- applicants after the completion of seasonal work, then the job offers received may not meet the above criteria.

Step 5

If within 10 days, there is no suitable job, on the 11th day after registration, a decision is made to grant you the status of an unemployed, with the subsequent payment of benefits.

As a rule, the amount of unemployment benefits is determined based on the grounds for dismissal, seniority and working conditions at the last place of work.
