Employees who work in regions of the Far North or in regions with unfavorable climatic conditions, equated to them, are entitled to additional wage increments. The amount of these additional payments depends on the region, work experience in the north and the age of the employee.

Documents that should be followed when calculating northern allowances
There are a number of documents that employees of personnel services and accounting are guided by to determine the length of service and the amount of accrual of northern allowances. The main ones include the instruction, which determines the procedure for providing social guarantees for those who work in the Far North and in regions equated to it. It was approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the RSFSR No. 2 on December 22, 1990. It is applied only in the part that does not contradict the laws in force today. The procedure for its application is discussed in detail in the explanations approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor No. 37 of May 16, 1994.
When calculating the length of service required for calculating such allowances, one should also be guided by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1012 of October 17, 1993, taking into account the adjustments that are made to this document based on the determination of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. CAS04-596 of December 23, 2003. After the entry into force of Law No. 4520-1 "On State Guarantees …" in 1993, employees retain their seniority if they had a break and left the Far North, regardless of how long they were absent. According to this law, the length of service is not saved and is not summed up only in the case when the employee was dismissed under the article.
Seniority required for the calculation of northern allowances
The bonus due to an employee depends on his age. It is charged only for those amounts that are paid systematically. In this case, one-time payments are not privileged. Employees over 30 who have worked in the harshest northern regions for more than 1 year, and those under 30 who have worked for less than 1 year, are paid a 10% bonus after 6 months. It increases by 10% every six months and reaches the maximum established level of 100% after 5 years of northern experience.
For areas with milder climatic conditions, it is charged at a rate of 10% every six months until it reaches 60%. After that, it increases by 10% once a year. Its limiting value in this case is limited to 80%. In areas equated to the Far North, a 10% surcharge is charged annually until it reaches 50%. In the southern regions of the North and in Karelia, the first bonus of 10% will be credited to you after a year of work, and then it will increase by 10% only once every 2 years until it reaches 30%.
For those workers whose age does not exceed 30 years, but who have already worked in northern conditions for more than a year, the increment increment is not 10, but 20%, the procedure for its calculation and the maximum allowable amount remain the same as in previous cases.