If you are late for work or did not show up at the workplace at all for some reason, you should write an explanatory note at the request of the employer. The note does not have a unified form, but many organizations have a form for such a document. In it, you need to indicate the reason for absenteeism and submit documents confirming its validity.

It is necessary
- - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
- - staffing table;
- - documents of the enterprise;
- - documents confirming good reason (if any);
- - employee documents;
- - Explanatory note form.
Step 1
On an A4 sheet or letterhead of your organization on the left, write the name of the structural unit where you are currently working, in accordance with the currently approved staffing table.
Step 2
In the upper right corner, as in any application addressed to the employer, indicate the name of the company in accordance with the charter of the organization or other constituent document of the company or the surname, name and patronymic of an individual, if the company's OPF is an individual entrepreneur. Indicate the position of the sole executive body in accordance with the company's charter and staffing table, as well as his surname and initials.
Step 3
Fill in the name of the document in capital letters and place it under the name of the structural unit. Indicate the actual date of writing the explanatory memorandum. The subject of the note should correspond to your being late for a specific number of hours or being absent from your workplace.
Step 4
The content of the explanatory note should begin, for example, with the words: "I, Elena Konstantinovna Karetnikova." Next, indicate your position and structural unit where you are registered in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Then write the fact of being late for work or absence, writing in the date of the incident.
Step 5
The description of the reason for absenteeism or lateness must be approached especially carefully. Depending on how respectful she is, the employer will make decisions about whether to continue the employment relationship with you. It must be borne in mind that the reason must be not only valid, but also true. The employer can check this at any time. If you could not notify your immediate supervisor and stayed, for example, in a medical institution, a certificate from which you have available, then by attaching it to an explanatory note, you will protect your rights and will not receive disciplinary action. One of them is dismissal, which the employer has the right to carry out in accordance with article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if he considers the reason for the absence to be disrespectful.
Step 6
Sign the note with your last name, initials. Date the explanatory memorandum.