Changing jobs and meeting a new team is always a stressful situation, even if you like the new place more than the previous one. You have a presentiment that at first you will become the subject of close attention, both from the side of management and from colleagues. This interest is natural, so you need to become "your own" for them as soon as possible in order to start working in a normal, regular mode.

Step 1
Most likely, you will be introduced to the new team by a manager or an employee of the HR department. But even if you have to do it yourself, do not be discouraged - state your last name, first name and patronymic, the position that you will now occupy. It is better to briefly give the necessary information about yourself, which, for sure, will be of interest to colleagues: the education you received, work experience, the position you held, marital status, maybe - the number of children. This is quite enough - you will demonstrate openness and win over the team.
Step 2
Don't worry if you don't remember who's name right away - it's completely forgivable. Immediately clarify which of the employees of your department you can turn to for help and advice on organizational issues that will inevitably arise at first.
Step 3
Familiarize yourself with those vowel or unspoken rules by which the collective lives. HR staff or colleagues may tell you about them, ask them to do this. But you yourself should carefully observe how the relationship is developing in a new team for you: who is the unofficial leader, who is more benevolent towards you and can help in a speedy adaptation.
Step 4
Be equal and friendly with everyone, in no case do not join any coalitions and do not take part in the discussion of someone. Stop trying to find out about your personal life and do not tell all your ins and outs yourself. Respect your personal space and do not encroach on someone else's. You should not demonstrate your erudition, where you are not asked about it, and at first listen more than talk.
Step 5
Do not try to please everyone at once and remember that your main task is not to strike up friendly relations with everyone, but to quickly grasp the work and start doing it in full. If you manage to immediately establish yourself as a good employee, intelligent and competent specialist, please the management, then you will quickly become your own person in the new team.