Although experience comes over the years, there are many ways to master various pedagogical wisdom, even at the very beginning of the professional path. According to the teachers themselves, experience alone is far from enough to establish the necessary contact with students. Each new generation is at least somewhat, but noticeably different from the previous one. Therefore, a teacher, even a very experienced one, may experience some difficulties in relations with schoolchildren. Perhaps this is also the teacher's mission - to be "your own" in the child's world.

Step 1
Today's modern classroom teacher tries not to stand still, but to keep up with the times. He is psychologically and methodologically savvy, possesses the necessary knowledge of the methodology and theory of educational work, understands labor legislation, knows how to navigate important regulatory documents.
Step 2
In addition, the class teacher is also interested in issues that concern young people, and also studies the latest in modern information technologies. He has an idea of the psychological characteristics of the age of students, especially his class., Realizing that they are children of today's super-technological time. Students communicate more and more on the Internet, they have more access to a variety of information, which can have both positive and negative responses. It's great when students see a teacher as a modern person, it increases his authority and their confidence in him.
Step 3
The modern class teacher regularly improves his qualifications, periodically attending thematic lectures, conferences and seminars. He is always open to everything new, focused on his professional and personal self-development. It is also good when a teacher is familiar with the infrastructure of the city where he works and lives, this allows for better organization of extracurricular activities.
Step 4
It is very important for a modern teacher to be able to communicate correctly with the parents of students, he must have constant contact with them. Today, there are many ways to communicate: a teacher's personal page or even a website, an electronic journal and mail. The class teacher can also create a page on popular social networks, where modern children and adolescents often spend their free time.
Step 5
When designing the educational system of the classroom, the homeroom teacher should take into account the interests, abilities and wishes of the children. It is very useful to arrange joint screenings of various relevant films, and then discuss them with students. During the classroom hours, it is worth raising topics that are important for the children today.
Step 6
Particular attention should be paid to the homeroom teacher for motivated and difficult students. Often such children are left without the attention of teachers. The teacher's task is to unleash the potential of students. In a conversation with children, he needs to be frank, expecting a response. It is necessary to show tact and delicacy, to appreciate the uniqueness of the personality of each child. And, of course, you need to love children. Without this condition, you will not be able to become a good homeroom teacher.