First of all, the photographer must be friendly with the client. To be glad to him, to treat him like an old good friend. But clearly explain what is required when posing.

Why should a photographer be kind and helpful? Because a good professional has a good perception of people and the environment. Which means that he will try to show the best in the picture. Unlike the rude pros who are proud to the point that any client will feel "out of place"! Also, evil workers in their field - especially photographers - have a distorted perception.
Probably everyone will remember a bad passport photo or a case when someone just clicked unsuccessfully. For example, a case from the life of an acquaintance. I went to a photo studio, was going to take a photo for a passport, and what do you think? Immediately from the threshold, the heavy gaze of the would-be photographer fell on her. The girl (client) could not recover from such a reception for a long time. But that's just the beginning of the hardness tests! An atelier worker greeted her in a stern voice and asked what services were needed. The client replied: "-Photo for the passport!". The photographer demanded to sit on a chair in an irritated tone. This is where the tests began! "Head straight, chin to the right, no, to the left, now higher! It's not like that!" The frustrated girl tried her best, but tensed even more. The result was a crooked photo, where the chin was uneven. Which did not bother the photographer at all.
The famous case of Tyra Banks - the host of "America's Next Top Model". She once admitted in an interview that she was somehow kicked out of a photo session by a famous photographer. Guess what! For excessive shyness only! But there were true kind professionals who were happy with such a model and soulful personality. Be aware that those people who have photographed you badly are likely to treat you badly.