Every independent person sooner or later gets a job. She may or may not be loved. And the relationship with colleagues is different. But in any case, spending time in a friendly team is much more pleasant than in an unfriendly one.

Step 1
Host a corporate party. If you are in the position of a boss, then of course you need to keep your "face" and be serious about yourself. But no one will prevent you from hinting to some of the activists that you have not celebrated the holidays with your colleagues for a long time. And if you are not a leader, then you yourself can act as an initiator. It is usually not difficult to find a reason - it can be the birthday of one of the employees, the approaching New Year, International Women's Day or Defender of the Fatherland Day … In general, there are many "red days" in the calendar. Attract as many people as possible to the organization, joint activities unite and make even the most introverted people more open. By the date of the event itself, the team will already have a friendly atmosphere. But for this you will have to spend some time in the trouble and spend a lot of energy.
Step 2
Try to communicate more with your colleagues. During your lunch break, you can have a snack or tea together and discuss some distracted topics from work. In the women's team, sometimes gossiping is not a sin - it will defuse the situation. Give someone advice, someone just listen. Of course, you should never impose your opinion. It is better to express it in a casual conversation. Constant communication will bring you closer to your colleagues. This means that it will create a friendly atmosphere.
Step 3
Avoid conflicts. Probably, everyone at work has people who are able to build a scandal out of the blue. The society of such originals cannot be avoided, but it is quite possible to try to find a compromise. In general, it is necessary to avoid "sharp corners" in relations with colleagues, otherwise it will not work to create a "warm" environment. If you manage to create a peaceful reputation for yourself, then you can become the very "center" around which the team will unite. And you will go to work with joy, knowing that friendliness and understanding await you there.