A resume is one of the most important elements of business etiquette when applying for a job. No self-respecting specialist can do without a resume, but how to draw it up correctly? How to impress an employer with your qualities, setting them out on a simple piece of paper?

It is necessary
- • a photo that evokes sympathy and is suitable for a fax;
- • information about the company to which you will send your resume;
- • access to the Internet.
Step 1
Title of the document: "Summary". Do not change fonts, remember that you are composing a document. Then fill in your contact information, insert a photo, and below indicate your marital status and age. In order to write an effective resume, you need to present information as briefly but informatively as possible.
Step 2
Target. Write down what you are striving for. Write down all the positions you would like to take. Do not stretch this paragraph more than 2-3 lines.
Step 3
Education. Pay maximum attention to this point and list all places of study with dates in reverse order. In order to compose a complete resume, you are advised to also write down the continuing education courses that you have completed, etc. Here also indicate the average grade of the record book.
Step 4
Work experience. If you are an experienced professional with a long track record, please indicate the last 2-3 jobs. It is better not to indicate work experience that was 10 or more years ago. For a young specialist, it is better to indicate all places of work, part-time work, labor practice. Please provide this information in reverse chronological order with the date and duration of the job.
Step 5
Extra skills. Indicate here everything that is not directly related to work, but characterizes you as an employee. Write that you have a license or that you have been practicing karate since the age of 3. Maybe you speak 3 languages and use a PC masterly. When thinking about how to write a resume correctly, you should understand that your resume will have only a couple of minutes to "show the product in the face".
Step 6
Recommendations. Here you can make a list of those employers who will leave a good opinion about your job, if needed. Most often, this column is a formality, but you should not neglect it.
Step 7
Conclusion. Finally, leave a date and your signature. Update your date often so that no one thinks you have been looking for a job for a long time. Check everything written, edit so that everything is designed in the same style. A resume with mistakes is a losing resume.