If you decide to obtain a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation, you need to write an application about it in the prescribed form. The form should be drawn up in duplicate and sent to the territorial division of the FMS at your intended place of residence or, if you are outside Russia, to the diplomatic mission (consulate) of the Russian Federation.

It is necessary
- - application forms;
- - computer and printer or fountain pen.
Step 1
Visit in person the territorial office of the FMS at the place of your future residence or the diplomatic mission (consulate) of the Russian Federation. Take there the application forms for a temporary residence permit and carefully study the requirements for filling them out. It will be best if you take a photo of the samples posted there to avoid misunderstandings in the future.
Step 2
Please note that the form can be downloaded from the Internet, for example, from the portal of public services - the links are given below. But do not confuse - the application for a foreign citizen who arrived in Russia without a visa is different from the form for a citizen who needs a visa to cross the Russian border.
Step 3
Fill in the form by hand in block letters or using a word processor on your computer. Indicate "obtaining Russian citizenship" as the motives that prompted you to apply with this application.
Step 4
Indicate in the text of the application your full name in Russian and Latin letters, as they are indicated in your documents. If you have previously changed your last name (first name, patronymic), indicate your old full name, as well as the date and reason for changing the data.
Step 5
Indicate your date and place of birth, details of your current citizenship. If you do not have citizenship, just write: "stateless person." Write your gender with the whole word “male” or “female”.
Step 6
Indicate the name of the identity document, as well as its series and number, date and place of issue.
Step 7
Indicate in paragraph 6 your current address and contact phone number. In paragraph 7, write whether you have previously applied for a residence permit, and if you did, then when, where and with what result.
Step 8
Enter information about your education: the name of the educational institution, where and when you graduated, the number of the diploma, the profession (specialty) received, the date and place of issue. In the paragraph below, indicate if you have an advanced degree. If not available, write “not available”.
Step 9
Please provide information about your marital status below. If you are married or divorced, write the number of the marriage / divorce certificate, the date and place of issue. In the table below, indicate information about your close relatives: full name, date and place of birth, citizenship, residence address, place of work or study. If the person is a retired, write “retired”.
Step 10
Write down the details of your work places in the last 5 years. If the name of the organization has changed during this time, indicate the name that the organization bore when you worked for it.
Step 11
Indicate your TIN number, if you have one. Below in paragraph 14, write in what profession and where you are going to work
Step 12
Write detailed answers to the questions in paragraphs 15-19. It is not recommended to hide the unpleasant facts of your biography - if the deception is discovered, you will definitely not be given a temporary residence permit.
Step 13
Indicate the details of your family members on whom you intend to issue a temporary residence permit with you. For children, also include the details of the second parent of these children.
Step 14
Be sure to write the address where you intend to reside in the Russian Federation. List all the documents you will need to present to obtain permission.
Step 15
Print the application in duplicate. Do not sign the application in advance - it is better to do this at the time of transfer of documents to the FMS inspector.