How To Issue A Review From The Director's Vacation

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How To Issue A Review From The Director's Vacation
How To Issue A Review From The Director's Vacation

Video: How To Issue A Review From The Director's Vacation

Video: How To Issue A Review From The Director's Vacation
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For various reasons, the CEO, like any ordinary employee, can be recalled from vacation. This fact must be documented in accordance with article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The procedure for recalling the director of an organization from vacation is somewhat different from the recall of an ordinary employee, although it is not regulated by law.

How to issue a review from the vacation of the director of the organization
How to issue a review from the vacation of the director of the organization

It is necessary

  • - director's documents;
  • - documents of the enterprise;
  • - seal of the organization;
  • - forms of the relevant documents;
  • - a pen;
  • - Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


Step 1

If there are several founders of the company, then the decision on the need to withdraw from the vacation must be made at the council of participants. The meeting of the founders must draw up minutes. It should write the date from which it is planned to recall the CEO from the annual basic paid leave. Participants must indicate the reason why this should be done. The reason for the recall may be a production need, the solution of important issues, and others. The minutes are signed by the chairman of the constituent assembly and the secretary of the council of participants, certified by the seal of the enterprise.

Step 2

If the company has a single founder, then he should make a sole decision to recall the director of the organization from vacation. The participant must certify the document with the seal of the company and his signature.

Step 3

Draw up an order based on the protocol. In the header of the document, indicate the name of the company, the city in which it is located. Give the order a number, date. Enter the subject of the document, in this case, it must correspond to the employee's vacation recall. The reason for drawing up the order corresponds to the reason that is written in the protocol or the sole decision. In the administrative part of the document, indicate the date from which the general director should begin to perform his duties. Responsibility for adding unused vacation days to the vacation schedule is assigned to the HR department.

Step 4

The chairman of the constituent assembly has the right to sign the order. Read the document of the company director who is recalling from vacation. Confirm the order with the seal of the organization.

Step 5

If the director is endowed with certain powers, then he himself should decide on an early exit from vacation. The order must be drawn up by the general director, signed the document himself, certified with the company seal.

Step 6

On the basis of the order to recall the director from the vacation, the personnel service must make the appropriate changes to the vacation schedule and the personal card of the head of the enterprise.
