How To Write A Cancellation Order In

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How To Write A Cancellation Order In
How To Write A Cancellation Order In

Often at enterprises it is necessary to cancel an order or other document, as well as its separate paragraph. To do this, you must issue a cancellation order. When it comes to canceling an order, a standard form is used. When an internal document of an organization is recognized as invalid, there is no unified form for an order to cancel.

How to write a cancellation order
How to write a cancellation order

It is necessary

A4 paper, pen, company documents, organization seal, canceled document


Step 1

An official writes a memo in the name of the first person of the company with a request to cancel the document or its individual item, indicating its number, date, title and the reason why this action should be performed, puts his signature, writing the last name, first name, patronymic, position held. The note serves as the basis for issuing an order for cancellation.

Step 2

As in any other order, in the cancellation order, write the full and abbreviated name of the organization in accordance with the constituent documents, the last name, first name, patronymic of an individual, if the company is an individual entrepreneur.

Step 3

Write in capital letters the name of the document - the order, assign it a personnel number and the date of publication.

Step 4

Indicate which document you are issuing the order to cancel, write down its number, date of preparation and title.

Step 5

Write the reason why the document is canceled or changes are made to a separate paragraph of it.

Step 6

In the administrative part, after the word "I order", write the necessary items. If you issue an order to cancel a document that has not yet entered into force, write that you are canceling it by entering its number, date and title. When the document to be canceled is valid, write that you recognize it as invalid, indicating its number, date and name. If you do not completely cancel the document, but only its individual paragraph, write that changes are being made to it, enter its number, date and title. Indicate the number of the paragraph and state the new version of it. The second clause of the order to amend the document will be invalidation. In the last paragraph of the order to cancel the document, entrust control over its execution to the person in charge, indicate his last name, first name, patronymic, job title, structural unit in which the employee is registered.

Step 7

The basis of the order is an official note, which specifies the reason for the cancellation of the document or its individual paragraph. Indicate the date it was written.

Step 8

The order to cancel a document or a separate clause of it is signed by the head of the company, indicating the position held, surname and initials, and certified with the seal of the organization.
