You can find out exactly when your passport is ready in various ways, which differ in certain advantages. Which one to give preference to is up to you, and you must be guided by the current situation.

Step 1
If you have ordered a passport, but still do not have it, then its readiness can be checked by contacting the OVIR department directly at the specified address. It is this verification method that can be considered one of the best, since there will be no more doubts. It is advisable to have a list of necessary documents and choose reception days when there are not so many people in such institutions. Sometimes a special ticket is issued for these cases, allowing you to avoid long lines. In addition, during a personal visit to the department, if the foreign passport is already ready, you can immediately receive it without spending additional time on the trip. But you should not go to the OVIR every day earlier than the deadline indicated by the operator who received your documents. But if the deadline has already approached the critical mark of four months, then contacting the FMS is the most logical way to get your document. Most likely, the passport is already ready, but the specialist has not yet been able to notify you of this.
Step 2
Also for this purpose, you can use a special autoinformer, which allows you to get more detailed information about the readiness of this document. In order not to stand in the queues of OVIRs in vain, in order to find out if the passport is ready, it is recommended to use this method. However, the accuracy of the information received leaves much to be desired, since the information bases may be updated out of time. This method is relatively new in the country and is still being tested. But on the other hand, when using this method, you will not have to stand in long queues at the OVIR. Autoinformers do not work in all cities. They are quite rare. You can find out if there is such a service in your city by requesting information on the Internet.
Step 3
On the official website of the Federal Migration Service there is an opportunity that allows you to check the readiness of your passport. In this case, you just need to go through a fairly easy registration, where the future user indicates his personal data and contact information. After that, the service for checking the readiness of the passport will be open. In this case, you need to have your own 10-digit code, which must be entered in a special field. You receive such a code at the moment when your documents for obtaining a foreign passport are taken away from you. If the approximate time for the production of a foreign passport has long expired, and the online check gives information that the foreign passport is not yet ready, then you should still contact the FMS for information. Nobody except you can find out information about readiness. Be sure to bring your passport with you.
Step 4
In some OVIRs, a system has already been launched, with the help of which citizens are notified about the readiness of their passport. A notification is sent to the phone number informing that their document is ready and can already be picked up. The notification is usually handled by a specialist who works with your documents. When your passport is ready, you will receive an SMS notification. In some cases, a specialist of the migration service may call you to notify you of the readiness of a foreign passport and invite you on one of the visiting days to receive it.
Step 5
One of the proven ways to determine the readiness of a passport can be considered a call to the migration service, thus you can significantly save your own time, which takes a lot, if you remember a trip to the OVIR and long standing in long queues. Also, by phone, you can ask any additional questions that interest you in the framework of the FMS. The disadvantage of this method is the possible long waiting for the operator's response.
Step 6
You can contact one of the online services for information. For example, https://guvm.mvd.rf/services/passport. Right on the main page of the site, you can see a form with special windows. Choose which passport you want to check. This can be an old or new foreign passport. If you need to get a new type of foreign passport, then you just need to enter the series and number of your Russian passport and enter the captcha to prove that you are not a robot. After that, it remains to click on the "send a request" button and get the necessary information. If you need to get an old-style passport, then the form to fill out will be slightly longer. First, you will need to enter the information in which region you should receive an old-style foreign passport by selecting the one you need from the proposed list. After that, enter your date of birth, first the day, then the month, and then the full year of birth. After that, enter the series and number of the document with which an application was submitted for issuing an old-style foreign passport. Most often, such a document is a passport. Enter the captcha and click "send request".
Step 7
In order not to call or visit the Federal Migration Service ahead of time, it is worth knowing the approximate timeframe for making a foreign passport. For new generation documents with an embedded chip, the maximum production time is one and a half months, and the minimum is a month. An old-style foreign passport is made in about a month. Before the specified deadline, you can check the readiness only if you have issued an expedited receipt of documents. Otherwise, it becomes impractical.