How To Fill Out The P14001 Form On The Change Of Director

How To Fill Out The P14001 Form On The Change Of Director
How To Fill Out The P14001 Form On The Change Of Director

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In accordance with the legislation, the data on the director of the enterprise must be entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE). The procedure itself has been simplified today. If earlier it was required to submit an application to the tax authority in the form, a copy of the employment contract with the director, the minutes of the general meeting (or decision), now it is necessary to send only the P14001 form to the tax authority. Filling out the P14001 form is quite simple, the main thing is not to miss certain points.

How to fill out the P14001 form on the change of director
How to fill out the P14001 form on the change of director


Step 1

The first sheet indicates the name of the tax authority to which the application is sent and the columns are filled in that contain general information about the enterprise. In the column "Full name in Russian" the organizational and legal form of the enterprise is prescribed without abbreviations - instead of "CJSC", for example, one should write "Closed Joint Stock Company" and, of course, indicate the name of the company.

Step 2

When a director is changed, a tick in the appropriate field is marked with item 2.8 "Information about persons entitled to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney." It will not be difficult for anyone to count the number of completed sheets with information about the director.

Step 3

After that, you can go directly to sheet "Z" and sheet "Z (2)". Here, it will be necessary not only to indicate the data of the new director by ticking the "Imposition of powers" item, but also, by analogy, fill in the same sheets on the former director, marking the item "Termination of powers". On sheet "Z" all the necessary columns are filled in in accordance with the documents of the new and dismissed directors.

Step 4

The column "Address of the place of residence" is filled in in accordance with the data contained in the passport, that is, it is not the place of actual residence that is indicated, but the place of registration of the director. For convenience, on the sheet "З (2)" the contact phone numbers of the enterprise are indicated, and not the director himself.

Step 5

The next sheets to be filled out are sheet "T" and sheet "T (2)", which contain information about the applicant. As a rule, the applicant is a new director. If you have a different case, check the box that is right for you. Sheet "T (3)" is not filled in, but must be attached.

Step 6

Only completed sheets of the P14001 form and the "T (3)" sheet are printed. It is not necessary to fasten the sheets and sign the application. All this will be done in a notary office, where it is mandatory to certify the P14001 form. In addition to the application form, the personal presence of the applicant himself with a passport is required at the notary. The service of notarization of the application is paid.
