Where To Find Personnel?

Where To Find Personnel?
Where To Find Personnel?

Finding the right person for a vacant position is not as easy as it really seems. It is even more difficult to do this if there was no previous recruitment experience.

Where to find personnel?
Where to find personnel?

In order to complete the task of finding the right employee, there are three things to think about:

How are we going to search? Search can be active and passive. Passive search involves performing work on the basis of only incoming information, that is, looking at jobseekers' ads on specialized sites, message boards, resume on Internet sites. Active search is based on preliminary preparation and dissemination of information through all available information channels. These are, first of all, vacancy announcements in newspapers, on television, on Internet sites. In this way, you activate the process of finding candidates, encouraging them to communicate with a potential employer. Passive search is a priority in the planned staffing. And in case of urgent closing of a vacancy or looking for a special employee, you should turn to active search.

Where will we look? There are three main channels of information: general, personal, and corporate.

The general channel is print and electronic media. It is the most open and the most widespread.

Personal channels include relatives, friends, colleagues, business partners of the enterprise, officials, and the talent pool.

The corporate channel is, first of all, recruitment agencies and employment and employment services. This channel also includes educational institutions, job fairs, business seminars and trainings.

Which channel to use - the choice of a personnel officer. But depending on the situation, it is better to use different channels of information.

What do we need to look for? Before searching for a candidate, you should study the information about the needs of the enterprise in personnel, the conditions for admission to work, the qualification requirements for candidates and the criteria for the preliminary assessment of the candidate for compliance with the formal requirements of the enterprise. You must know exactly what knowledge, skills and abilities the applicant should have.
