The Principle Of Work Of The Labor Exchange

The Principle Of Work Of The Labor Exchange
The Principle Of Work Of The Labor Exchange

Companies that provide intermediary services in the labor market and help employers to find personnel, and those who are looking for a job to find a vacant position, are called "labor exchanges" in the old fashioned way. There are many such "exchanges" now: these are recruiting agencies, and employment agencies, and territorial employment funds, and Internet portals that provide such services. In their activities, they use a different approach.

The principle of work of the labor exchange
The principle of work of the labor exchange

How recruiting agencies work

Recruiting agencies work directly with companies, concluding agreements with them, in accordance with which they undertake to find candidates for those vacancies that the given company has. These agencies have their own base of qualified professionals with specific experience. If this recruiting agency works with large companies on an ongoing basis, it specializes in finding candidates in certain professional fields. Therefore, if you are going to submit your resume for inclusion in the candidate base, you should consider this specialization in order to reduce your search for a job. As a job seeker, this service will be provided to you free of charge, but you will not receive any guarantees here: it is up to the employer to hire you or not, who pays the agency.

How employment agencies work

In such an agency, the database is maintained by companies that are looking for employees who meet certain criteria and professional requirements. In this case, the contract for the provision of services is concluded with the applicant, to whom, for a certain fee, within the agreed period, the agency undertakes to provide information on vacancies that correspond to his requests. The payment option can be different: you can pay the agreed amount immediately upon drawing up and signing the contract, or the agency will deduct a set percentage from you from the first salary.

How labor exchanges work on the Internet

There are many Internet portals with which both job seekers and employers cooperate. Accordingly, such sites contain both the resumes of those who are looking for work, and the vacancies available to companies. Here you can find any job - on a permanent, temporary or even remote basis. By registering and posting your resume, you get full access to the database of vacancies and can count on advice on employment. On some of these information exchanges, for a fee, you can use additional information about the most attractive vacancies.

How Employment Funds Work

These are state bodies that register citizens in need of employment, and keep records of vacancies, information about which is provided by employers. Their main task is to assist employers in the selection of the necessary personnel, and for citizens - in the selection of a suitable job. At the expense of budgetary funds, employment funds organize vocational training and retraining of unemployed citizens, their advice and assistance in finding a suitable job.
