A person, even if he is not guilty of anything, can be summoned to the investigator to testify as a suspect or witness to a crime. Interrogation, in fact, is a competition of intellects, so you need to prepare for it in order not to fall for the psychological tricks of the investigator.

Step 1
As a rule, interrogations take place in small rooms, where two or three people can freely sit. The investigator can independently keep the minutes of the interrogation, or for this there will be a third person in the room who will record your conversation. When you appear for interrogation, you should immediately establish your status - in what capacity you are called. If you have been declared a suspect, do not start the conversation - ask for the presence of a lawyer. Don't settle for the one offered by the investigator. You need to be a third-party specialist that you know or will be hired by family or friends.
Step 2
At the beginning of the interrogation, your identity must be established - you show your passport and the summons by which you were summoned. After that, a conversation will begin, during which you will have to answer the questions of the investigator. You need to focus and, if possible, calm down. During the conversation, you should not take the initiative and tell yourself what you are not asked about. Wait for the question and do not rush to answer it right away - you have the opportunity to think over your answer and, if necessary, clarify the essence of the question with the investigator. You can also choose not to answer a question if you don’t want or don’t know the answer to it.
Step 3
The task of the investigator is to expose the offender or obtain additional information that will help to uncover the incident. If you are summoned as a suspect, you may be pressured or threatened. In this case, one should not succumb to any threats or agree to a deal with the investigation, all this may turn out to be empty promises. Don't be intimidated or confused. Control your every gesture and every word so that you do not hurt yourself in excitement. Be as truthful as possible so you don't get confused by giving false testimony. Let the investigator prove your guilt himself and, if necessary, refuse to answer, referring to Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which a person has the right not to confess against himself or his loved ones.
Step 4
At the end of the interrogation, you must be given a protocol for you to read and sign. This is a very important part of the procedure, so you should carefully proofread the text and check that it reflects the actual meaning of your conversation. Put dashes in all the places that are empty, so that nothing can be entered into them later, after the protocol is signed. The signature must be affixed on each sheet and on its back if it is completed. After that, the investigator must make a note on your agenda that the interview was held with you. This summons will need to be presented at the exit, it is also a document confirming a good reason for your absence from the workplace.