A criminal case is a case that was initiated in accordance with the procedure established by law and involves a committed or impending crime. Such a case is being considered by the court, which relies on the materials of the preliminary investigation and inquiry. The main difference between a criminal case and others (civil, family, agrarian and other cases) is the measure of responsibility, namely, the guilty person can be imprisoned in a correctional institution (prison).

Step 1
The court begins with a report from the judge - he reads out the names of the plaintiff and the suspect, indicates the article of the criminal code under which the case is open.
Step 2
This is followed by the explanations of the plaintiff and the defendant or representatives of their interests.
Step 3
Testimony is accepted. Each witness must be questioned separately. The court proposes to tell in detail all the information that a person possesses on this case. After the witness's story, he may be questioned by other persons - representatives of the plaintiff and the defendant. The court has the right to ask questions at any time.
Step 4
Next comes the study of written evidence. The court names the document and the sheet number of the case, clarifies the details and acquaints them with both parties to the process. The participants in the process have the right to demand from the court the full announcement of this document.
Step 5
The next stage is the examination of material evidence, if any, in this case. This evidence is of particular importance both for the court and for all parties to the process. Playback of video and audio recordings, if any, is organized.
Step 6
There is also a study of the conclusion of a forensic expert - this is how the study of evidence obtained in this case is carried out. At this stage of the process, both parties can supplement their explanations, as well as add additional evidence, call witnesses. After the court has considered all the statements and evidence, it declares the consideration of the case finished.
Step 7
Judicial debate - at this stage, the participants in the process make their speeches, in which they substantiate their position on this process, taking into account all the evidence and evidence provided. After the debate, the parties can make remarks on what was said during the debate. The total number of replicas is not limited, but the respondent has the right to have his say last.
Step 8
After the remarks, the court announces that he is retiring to the conference room, where he will make the final decision on the case. After the return of the court, all participants stand to listen to the decision that has been made.