Apartments are rented for various periods, from days to several decades, to business travelers and students, young families and just those who do not have property. Regardless of what were the circumstances and reasons for renting an apartment and, accordingly, renting out the last one, it is necessary to correctly execute the transaction so that in the future there will be no difficulties either with the eviction of the tenants, or with the tax authorities, or with other structures. To rent out an apartment, first of all, you need to draw up a contract.

- - documents on the ownership of the apartment;
- - extract from the house book and personal account;
- - passports of both parties;
- - TIN of the owner
Step 1
Discuss all the terms of the rental agreement with the tenant. At the same time, it is important to immediately establish a fixed payment and the periods in which this payment will be made (once a month, once a quarter, etc.), determine the number of visits by the owner of the apartment, as well as how the payment for electricity, gas, etc. other utilities, who will pay the bills for the apartment, conditions for early termination of the contract and other nuances.
Step 2
Proceed to drawing up a contract. At the same time, it is important to know that the contract can be drawn up by you without the presence of the tenant, but simply later the second one will get acquainted with it and sign it. The contract is drawn up in triplicate (for the landlord, the tenant and the registration authorities).
Step 3
Initially indicate in the upper right corner the date of the contract. Depart from the date of the place and in the middle write the word "Agreement" or "Agreement for renting an apartment."
Step 4
Go to the execution of the text of the agreement. The text must contain the subject of the contract, the full address of the apartment and its dimensions according to the technical passport, the details of the parties, including full passport data (full name, registration address and actual residence address, as well as telephone), the name and number of the document confirming the landlord's ownership of the leased apartment, information about those who are registered on this living space, as well as information about those who will receive the right to live in this apartment under this agreement, the amount of rent and the procedure for making it, the responsibility of the parties in case of non-fulfillment of the agreement or its individual clauses, and also the deadline and procedure for extending this agreement.
Step 5
Sign the contract yourself and put the transcript of the signature next to it in the lower right corner. Submit the contract to the tenant for review and signature. The tenant must also put his signature and the decoding of the signature in the lower right corner.
Step 6
Show the contract at the housing department at the location of the apartment and register the fact of delivery of the apartment.
Contact the tax authorities and register in accordance with applicable law.