In order to become an officer, you need to know the following:
Higher military educational institutions, military institutes, military universities and military academies are engaged in the training of officers for the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
The military institutes are the main military educational institutions that provide training for filling officer positions with the prospect of promotion to higher positions. Military institutions

In order to become an officer, you need to know the following:
- Higher military educational institutions, military institutes, military universities and military academies are engaged in the training of officers for the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
- The military institutes are the main military educational institutions that provide training for filling officer positions with the prospect of promotion to higher positions. Military institutes train graduated officers-officers with higher military special education in 250 specialties necessary for the Russian Navy and Army. Any military educational institution, except for individual military academies, recruits cadets from among civilians.
- Russian citizens aged from sixteen to twenty-seven years old are accepted for training under the officer training program - these are citizens who have completed compulsory military service (up to 24 years old and have a secondary or secondary vocational education); as well as servicemen who do not have an officer rank.
- In order to enter a military educational institution and become an officer in the future, you must submit an application to the military commissariat before April 20 of the year of the desired admission. The application must be accompanied by: a characteristic from the place of study or work, an autobiography, a photograph of 4, 5 * 6 centimeters in the amount of 3 pieces.
- The preliminary selection of applicants to universities among civilians is carried out by the draft commissions of the commissariats until May 15. They include the establishment of suitability for training in military institutions by education, by age, as well as by psychophysiological and psychological-social qualities. The selection of applicants takes place annually in July. Successfully selected candidates are enrolled by cadets in educational institutions on a competitive basis based on the results of entrance examinations, which include general education subjects.
- The conditions of the competition for admission to a military educational institution ensure the enrollment of applicants who are the most prepared and capable of mastering training programs that meet the requirements of the specifics of military activity.