It happens that even the most interesting and favorite work becomes boring. Productivity decreases, fatigue increases, and even vacation is not able to breathe strength. What to do in this case is everyone's choice. Of course, the solution is to change jobs. But this is not always possible. Then you need to change your attitude to work. Nobody obliges you to love work. But you can understand yourself and your profession, find all the pros and cons of a job, compare them - and you can be surprised to see that the job is, in general, not bad. The main thing is to find what keeps you in the workplace. And in moments of despair, when you want to shout: “I hate it all!”, Remember these pluses. Perhaps this will help you to slightly change the attitude towards your work.

Step 1
Calculate how many hours per week you actually spend working. Do you have to stay late at work and is it compensated? Do you work on weekends? How much time do you spend traveling from home to work and back? Where do you dine? If at the workplace, you can safely add these hours to working hours. If the time spent is too long, this is a reason to think … For the time spent on work (delays, after-hours, work on weekends), you have the right to demand compensation - additional days off, days off, days off, or an increase in salary. And the "empty" time from home to work can be filled with useful activities. For example, buy a player with headphones and listen to music or audiobooks. Now you will not perceive the time spent at work as “wasted”. And the minus will turn into a plus.
Step 2
Calculate the real size of your salary. Subtract from it the expenses for lunch (if you do not eat at home) and for transportation. How much money do you bring to your family? If this amount is significantly higher than the subsistence level, maybe not everything is so bad? Compare your salary with the salaries of colleagues or employees of a similar enterprise. Think about how often you get paid. What is the size of sick leave, vacation pay. A good and stable salary can be a great motivation to work.
Step 3
Understand what is stopping you at work. Maybe colleagues? How do you develop relationships in the team? If you feel sick from others, you can try to either put a psychological wall (limit communication), or a real one - transfer to another department, branch, get your own office. And you can try to build relationships with others, although this does not always work.
Step 4
What is your boss? What are his requirements for your work? If your boss pays wages on time, does not find fault with trifles, can easily enter your situation (for example, let go home early for family reasons), allows you to be creative in solving problems - ask yourself the question: is it not worth such a "golden" bosses to tolerate the rest of the inconvenience?
Step 5
Change your attitude towards the work environment. Decorate your desktop the way you like. Post a photo of your family or your son's craft - some detail that will remind you of your home. As a last resort, tile your computer desktop with home photos.
Step 6
Find other benefits in your work. Do you have free internet? Maybe one can print to the printer without hindrance, for example, useful recipes for the home. Do you have a phone with an unlimited tariff? Or maybe your colleagues give you a lift and you don't have to spend money on transport? All these little things in the end can add up to one big plus.