How To Get More Done

How To Get More Done
How To Get More Done

Table of contents:


Some people complain that they absolutely do not have enough time. I would like to do the job efficiently, relax, and spend time with my family, but as luck would have it, I have to sacrifice something. Wrong daily routine, disorganization - that's what prevents a person from increasing labor productivity. For all people there is the same number of hours a day, but, nevertheless, some spend it efficiently, while others simply sit it out.

How to get more done
How to get more done


Step 1

To improve your productivity, first learn how to plan your day. It is better to do this on a piece of paper, since it is difficult to keep everything in memory, and visual material is very convenient. List all the things you need to do, cross out the tasks as you complete them.

Step 2

Write down the timeline for achieving your goals. This is necessary in order not to be distracted by foreign objects, but to follow the planned routine. At the end of the day, take stock of the tasks completed. There is no need to rush, because the main thing is the quality of the work, not the quantity.

Step 3

Be sure to rank cases by importance and complexity. The more important ones should be done first. Think for yourself, if you do several secondary tasks in a day, will you still have the strength to solve more complex and time-consuming tasks? At the end of the day, leave those that make you happy, that is, after a hard day at work, the brain should rest and not strain.

Step 4

To be more productive, you need to be willing to work. To do this, try to perform those tasks that appeal to you. If there are none, set a goal for yourself and go towards it.

Step 5

Don't leave unfinished business. Believe me, if you did not want to fulfill them today, you will not have a desire tomorrow. Set a rule for yourself: do not start new tasks until old ones are completed. If, nevertheless, cases have accumulated, clean them up as soon as possible.

Step 6

Never do several things at the same time. It is not for nothing that the popular proverb says that you chase two hares, you won't catch a single one. You will only waste time, and you will not do a single thing with high quality.

Step 7

Be sure to give yourself some rest, because the body must relax. Do not allow rest at the workplace! Go outside, take a walk in the park, or sleep.
