Who Has The Longest Vacation

Who Has The Longest Vacation
Who Has The Longest Vacation

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all employees with whom an employment contract has been concluded, including those who work part-time, have the right to an annual paid leave of at least 28 calendar days. But the law also provides for the provision of preferential additional leaves for certain categories of workers.

Who has the longest vacation
Who has the longest vacation

Who is eligible for additional leave according to the law?

Since not all employees work in the same conditions, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for some categories of the right to additional paid leave. So, for another 2 weeks, in addition to the prescribed 4, those who work in the Far North or in other places, equated to them in their, frankly, not very favorable, climatic conditions, can rest. Those who, according to an officially issued order, work in irregular working hours, as well as those who perform work of a special nature, associated with special physical or mental stress, can count on additional leave. Additional leave is also provided for those who work in hazardous and hazardous industries.

In some areas, for example, in the civil service, the amount of leave depends on many factors - length of service, the position held and the rank assigned, the availability of a scientific title.

The sectoral regulations also provide for additional leave, which is granted, for example, to workers in the scientific and educational sphere - teachers and professors, those who are employed in the state or municipal service. Additional days to the main leave may be given to some social strata of workers. So, for example, it can be received by a person who has the title of "Veteran of Labor" or a parent with many children. Those who work in scientific institutions are entitled to sabbatical while working on a master's or doctoral dissertation, however, it is not paid.

Additional sabbatical leave may also be granted to a soldier who is writing a dissertation.

Industries where workers have the longest rest

In addition to the categories of workers listed in the law, a longer duration of the main vacation or additional paid days to it can be established in other professional areas. The basis for this may be a local sectoral normative act or even a collective agreement that is valid for an individual enterprise.

According to surveys conducted among workers in various industries, those who work in large industrial enterprises or are engaged in the extraction of raw materials can boast of a long vacation of at least 35 working days. But they are not lagged behind by the "white collars" - top managers and those who manage personnel, as well as those working in the field of high technology and marketing, advertising, PR companies.
