Fundamental changes and significant additions to the current Russian legislation are most often timed to coincide with the beginning of the coming calendar year. Date 01 July is provided for current adjustments to the existing legal space.

The legislative base of the Russian Federation is formed as new federal laws, decrees and orders of the government and other normative acts are adopted, which come into force from the date specified in each specific document. As a general rule, the timing of certain adjustments to the current legislation of our country is the reporting calendar periods (quarter, half year, nine months, year)
Changes and additions to the legislation - 2019, introduced from July 1, relate to such spheres of life of Russians as construction and trade, transport and transportation, housing and communal services, lending and loans, insurance, social security, labor relations, taxation, public procurement and much more. The innovations affected not only legal entities working in certain sectors of the economy, but also Russian citizens representing various sectors of society. These are entrepreneurs, self-employed population, people of working age, pensioners, disabled people, parents and children.

Housing construction and utilities
In accordance with the law on project financing of housing, an escrow account scheme is now used when concluding agreements on shared construction. Developers are obliged to invest in construction not with the money of apartment buyers, but with their own or borrowed funds. The money transferred by citizens to special escrow accounts is kept in authorized banks until the construction company gives the bank permission to put the house into operation. No interest is accrued on this amount, and no remuneration is paid to the escrow agent. Citizens' funds are transferred to the developer only after the buyer is handed the keys to the apartment. If the house is not leased, the bank returns the funds back to the citizens and deals with the developer. In the event of bankruptcy of a construction company, the Deposit Insurance Agency guarantees reimbursement of up to 10 million rubles per apartment to equity holders. In other words, in transactions for the purchase of apartments during the construction phase, credit institutions act as intermediaries and controllers and are called upon to protect the rights of equity holders.
In the housing and communal sector, the activities of management organizations in cities of federal significance since the beginning of the 2nd half of 2019 are subject to a license requirement: to post information about the activities of the management company in the state information system (GIS) of housing and communal services. As for the growth in the cost of housing and communal services, due to the change in the VAT rate at the beginning of the year, tariffs increased by 1.7%, now there is a second wave of increases in utility prices by 2.4%.
Transport and transportation
1. The country's leadership decided not to apply the pro-embargo regime, which was established in 2014 for transit international road and rail transportation through the territory of the Russian Federation to third countries. Only those carriers - both Russian and international - are entitled to transit sanctioned goods from the European Union and Ukraine, which meet two conditions that ensure the traceability of transportation and protection of goods from theft: the use of electronic identification means (navigation seals operating on the basis of GLONASS); availability of registration coupons for vehicle drivers. The first six months for freight carriers - a grace period: installation, removal of seals and entering their data into the tracking system is free of charge; abolished penalties for the lack of registration coupons.
2. Requirements for transport companies performing passenger transportation have become more stringent. A rule has appeared prohibiting the transport of children on buses at night (from 11 pm to 6 am). Each bus is equipped with a GLONASS tracking system and a tachograph. The driver must have an official permit to transport people on the bus. The absence of a special license with a limited period of validity entails the application of penalties to the unscrupulous carrier. The maximum fine of 400,000 rubles is provided for legal entities. Individual entrepreneurs will be penalized 2 times less. The fine for individuals will be 50,000 rubles. If the fact of the absence of a license is revealed again, traffic police officers can confiscate the vehicle on which transportation is carried out without a permit. The Federal Service for Supervision in the Transport Sector has the right to prohibit the offender from engaging in this type of activity for up to 3 months.
3. The legislator regularly indexes the amount of tolls on federal highways of general use for vehicles with a permissible maximum weight over 12 tons. Currently, for freight carriers, the value calculated based on the actual change in the consumer price index for the period from November 15, 2015 to February 2017 is applied. For truck drivers in the Platon system, the cost of 1 kilometer of track on quality roads after 01.07. 2019 has risen in price by 14 kopecks and is 2.04 rubles.
4. The new laws apply to "cars" in which the steering wheel is located on the right. A ban has been imposed on the entry into the territory of Russia of right-hand drive cars with more than 8 seats for passengers. The import of light vehicles with right-hand drive into the country is not yet prohibited, but it has become significantly more complicated. Such machines must be individually certified to obtain the Vehicle Construction Safety Certificate (SSCTS). And you can go through the study only in accredited testing laboratories, the number of which is limited.
5. Specialists of the Russian automotive industry and trade associate the date of July 1, 2019 with a slight increase in the cost of cars. The rise in prices for "cars" falls within the range of 2-4%. One of the reasons is that AvtoVAZ has raised prices for almost the entire LADA model range.
6. At the end of last year, due to a sharp rise in prices for gasoline and diesel fuel, the Government of the Russian Federation took temporary measures to curb oil prices. The authorities entered into a corresponding agreement with the oilmen, which was prolonged twice for a period of 3 months. The agreement was not extended for the third time, and in July the price freeze for oil products was canceled. The numbers on the tabloids of the gas station again went "free floating". But thanks to market mechanisms, currently the rise in prices for gasoline and diesel fuel does not exceed the inflation rate.
Insurance activity
There can be two circumstances in which an insurance company cannot conclude new OSAGO contracts: first - exceeding the limit of sold policies, second - revocation of the license by the Central Bank. Since mid-2019, the insurer has been legally obliged to notify the user of his information resource about the reasons why he is unable to issue an insurance policy. At the same time, a corresponding notice is posted on the website of the insurance company and all sections in which the "car insurance" is issued are closed.
Customs law
Citizens who import goods for personal use in excess of the established norms must pay customs duties and taxes. Starting from 01.07.2019, when declaring using the passenger customs declaration for express cargo, they fill out the document on the payments made. The form and procedure for its execution (both in electronic or paper form) have been developed and approved by the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC).

On the basis of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation, amendments were made to the regulations for marking goods. The amount of payment for the provision of marking codes for application on goods subject to mandatory marking with identification means has been legally determined. It is 50 kopecks. for 1 code excluding VAT. Labeling codes are provided free of charge for drugs from the VED list with a maximum manufacturer's selling price of not more than 20 rubles.
In accordance with the established list of goods subject to mandatory labeling by means of identification, the transition to mandatory labeling is carried out in stages and should be completed by March 2020. From July 1, 2019, footwear products manufactured in Russia or imported into the country are marked. Producers and importers of tobacco products are obliged to enter into the information monitoring system information about the labeling of their products, as well as about its turnover, input and output from circulation.
The rules for the retail sale of dairy, dairy compound and dairy products have been determined. They are placed in sales areas in such a way that they are visually separated from other food products. The accompanying information inscription "Without milk fat substitute" is mandatory.
Lending and loans
In order to reduce the population's debt burden, the legislator gradually introduces measures prescribed in the law on microfinance organizations: limiting the daily rate on consumer loans; reduction of the maximum amount of payments on loans from 3-fold to 1.5-fold; offering an alternative to the “payday loan” - a short-term loan of up to 10 thousand rubles, on which additional interest cannot be charged. From 01.07.2019, payments do not exceed two times the amount of the loan debt. And the daily interest rate on microloans, which used to be 2-2.5%, is limited to 1% per day, that is, it cannot exceed 365% per annum or the average market value of the full cost of a consumer loan (loan) by more than one third.
Within the framework of preferential car loans, in the second half of 2019, the First Car and Family Car programs were resumed. The state subsidizes 10% of the cost of a new Russian-assembled passenger car worth up to 1 million rubles to citizens who buy a car for the first time and to families with two or more children.
Social protection
Since July 2019, 9 more regions have joined the FSS pilot project for transferring social insurance benefits directly to the personal accounts of recipients, the so-called "direct payments": Zabaikalsky Krai, Sakhalin, regions: Arkhangelsk, Voronezh, Ivanovskaya, Murmansk, Penza, Ryazanskaya, Tulskaya.
For non-working parents (adoptive parents) or guardians (trustees) raising children with disabilities and caring for people with disabilities from childhood I group almost doubled the amount of monthly social assistance - from 5, 5 thousand rubles. up to 10 thousand rubles. For other persons providing such care, the amount of the benefit remained the same - 1200 rubles per month.
Public services
The list of public services that citizens have the right to receive on an extraterritorial basis has been expanded. You can contact any subdivision of the federal executive body, a state non-budgetary fund body or a multifunctional center (without reference to the addresses of registration, residence or actual location).
In particular, we are talking about the provision of information from the Russian Register of Hydraulic Structures; on the appointment and payment of a lump-sum allowance for the birth of a child to insured persons in case of impossibility of its payment by the insured; on informing the insured person about the distribution of his pension savings; on the receipt of information on executing proceedings in respect of individuals and legal entities.