Since January 2016, in accordance with Federal Law No. 391 of December 29, 2015, amendments have been made to the rules for registration of transactions for the sale and donation of shares of land plots, houses and apartments.

Initially, it was planned to introduce compulsory certification of all real estate transactions, therefore, when you come to a notary, you can hear that any transaction for the alienation of shares to a person who is not the owner of another share of a house, cartora or land plot must be notarized.
If your goal is to sell a share of a land plot, house or apartment, then in your case the notary is right. But if you suddenly want to donate your share of a house, apartment or land plot, and even more so if this happy donee is your closest relative, you must understand that you have the legal right not to use the services of a notary, but to draw up a donation agreement yourself, in a simple writing.
To register a donation transaction for a share of a house, apartment or land plot, it is necessary to draw up a donation agreement.
You can get a sample agreement at the MFC in the nearest city or use the sample found on the pages of Internet resources. The agreement must be printed out in three copies, one for each of the parties and one copy for the bodies carrying out state registration of the transfer of rights.
When submitting documents to the MFC, it is enough to have a certificate of state registration of rights and a document on the basis of which this certificate was issued. The documents must be accompanied by receipts for payment of the state duty. It is better to check the amount of the state fee and details with the registrar, your application to the MFC.