Letters have to be written to employees of all levels: secretaries, top managers, and general directors. Of course, these letters are not equal in meaning and content. But they all work to form a professional image and the image of the company as a whole. As a penny saves the ruble, so even the shortest letter puts its "imprint" on the face of the company.

Step 1
Always write the full name of the addressee at the beginning of the letter. "Dear Mr. K. A!" - in the first lines of a letter to your partner from your secretary and the deal may not take place. The answer with a mistake in the name to the request from the sales manager and the large delivery will go to the competitor.
Step 2
Always write the title of the letter in emails. And try to keep it original. Imagine, for example, that you are the boss of a well-known newspaper. You open your mail, and there are two letters from your employees. The subject of the first one says "My new article is called - Most Popular Names for Children." In the subject of the second it is written "My new article is called - Angels have begun to be born in Russia." Which letter will you open first? Sure, second letter - what an exciting title, I wonder what this article is about. With the first article, everything is clear - there is about children's names. And what is this article about? You open it, and it says: “Angels have begun to be born in Russia. So, according to the Moscow registry office, parents choose names for their babies such as Angel, Lyalya, Vesna …”That's the whole secret. But the psychology is such that both the head of the publishing department and the reader of the newspaper will choose a second name. Therefore, it is very important to be able to properly title your emails. Especially if the letter is about a proposal that is important for you, for the company, when you need to interest, attract attention.
Step 3
Particular attention should be paid to the courteous treatment of you / you in a business letter. In modern Russian, there are some rules and guidelines for spelling the pronouns you and yours. “The pronouns you and yours are written with a capital letter to express a polite address to one person, for example: Please, dear Sergey Petrovich … Note: When addressing several persons, these pronouns are written with a lowercase letter, for example: Please, dear Sergey Petrovich and Pavel Ivanovich … "(Rosenthal D. E., Dzhandzhakova E. V., Kabanova N. P. Handbook of spelling, pronunciation, literary editing. M.: Moscow International School of Translators, 1994, § 28. Proper nouns, p. 3, p. 30).
Step 4
When composing the text of the letter itself, it is important to remember that in business letters you need to use written language, not spoken. Otherwise, you can earn accusations of violation of chain of command and familiarity.