The word "artist" is ambiguous. As a broader concept, it designates a person in a creative profession, an artist. In the literal sense, an artist is one who is professionally engaged in the visual arts. However, it is not so easy to find a job for an artist in accordance with the received higher or secondary professional art education. If you decide to find work as an artist, take advantage of the tips.

Step 1
First, the artist can be a home-based worker. If you are satisfied with this option, search for jobs on the Internet. You can work remotely: draw comics, create cartoon characters or characters for online games, do illustrations for books and magazines.
Step 2
In order to get an artist job, you must create your portfolio that reflects your artistry. The fastest way to post works is to create a website where you can offer them to potential customers. In addition, there is information on the Internet about competitions held in which you can take part and show your abilities. Start a blog and offer artist and illustrator services from it.
Step 3
If the option of home work does not suit you, write a resume and contact those organizations where artists are in demand. These can be private studios, publishing houses of books, newspapers, magazines, fashion salons, theater decoration workshops, special educational institutions where fine arts are taught.
Step 4
In recent years, “related” professions have become very popular: restorer and designer. But for this you must receive additional education in the chosen specialty and then look for work in restoration workshops, design bureaus, advertising companies.
Step 5
If you can paint portraits, you can try working outside. But this job is more seasonal, and earnings are very unstable. In addition, the city where you live should have a place where local artists exhibit. This is where this part-time job is usually carried out.
Step 6
Another option is to open a workshop yourself, where you can practice applied arts: painting ceramics, wooden toys, making souvenirs, etc. To do this, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur and purchase the necessary equipment.
Step 7
You can contact the employment center and wait for a suitable vacancy.