In order for a job search to be successful, the main task of a job seeker is to write a competent resume. This is a business card by which the HR manager determines in a few minutes whether he is ready to invite an employee for an interview or not.

Step 1
Drawing up any resume begins with writing a "heading". Under the word "resume", on the left, write in full the last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth and address of residence. Opposite, on the right, indicate your contact details - email address and phone numbers (home and mobile).
Step 2
Next comes the "education" column. There, indicate the name of the university you graduated from, the faculty and the specialty received. This is especially important when drafting a resume for a technologist. Since, for example, a food technologist will not be able to understand the process of processing paints and varnishes or the manufacture of metal structures. If you improved your qualifications and received additional education, be sure to include all institutions in this section.
Step 3
In the paragraph "work activity" list all duty stations, including non-core ones. They can be of interest to employers who need specialists with a wide range of knowledge.
Step 4
Under the heading "professional experience", describe your job responsibilities. For the profession "technologist" most often it is: product analysis, product quality tracking, preparation of documents, quality certificates, creation of new manufacturing technologies, etc.
Step 5
In the "personal qualities" indicate those that are necessary specifically for the profession of "technologist". These are: perseverance, the ability to work in a short time, the ability to analyze a large amount of information, readiness to be in production facilities, etc.
Step 6
In the "technical skills" column, indicate what specialized programs you own and indicate the level of computer literacy.
Step 7
An obligatory item on any resume is "goal". In your case, this is the application for the position of "technologist". Be sure to indicate there your profile, which technologies you own.