You have been dreaming about a new position for a long time, and your boss does not even notice your achievements. It means that the time has come to declare yourself and your plans for the future. Of course, this is not easy, but whoever does not take risks, he …

Step 1
Before starting a tough conversation, prepare carefully for it. Decide for yourself what kind of promotion you want, what responsibilities you could perform, and how much you would like to receive. All these questions must be reasoned. In addition, remember all your merits and achievements, which you can boast to your superiors.
Step 2
Also, think ahead of all the possible objections your boss might voice. Try to structure the conversation in such a way as to anticipate such options in advance.
Step 3
Try to convince your boss that it is your promotion that will benefit the company. It is necessary to come up with the correct form of presentation, in which all these motives would sound convincing to him.
Step 4
It is very important to choose the right moment for the conversation, up to the time of day. So, start a conversation at a time when there is no emergency. Psychologists advise choosing the afternoon for such a conversation, since there is less work at this time, and a more or less calm atmosphere is established in the office. Consider the state of affairs of the company at the moment. The good mood of the boss can also play an important role in a positive response. In no case do not discuss this important issue in between cases, wait for time for normal communication.
Step 5
Be confident in your conversation. Since you have already raised this issue, then there is no need to be embarrassed and doubtful. There is no need to raise your voice in your boss's office, much less resort to blackmail. Statements that you will quit if you refuse may actually lead to this.
Step 6
The main thing in the conversation is to stop on time. If you feel that the conversation is at a standstill, stop and thank your boss for listening to you. Do not despair in case of refusal. Remember, good employees will always get their merit.