Every person has come across the question of how to get a job at least once in his life. Finding a job is not an easy test. Finding the right vacancy is half the battle, you still have to go through an interview, and sometimes when applying for a job you need to fill out an applicant's questionnaire.

All obstacles have been passed, your candidacy has been approved, now the labor relations should be properly formalized. To do this, you should contact the personnel department: write a statement and provide documents:
- the passport;
- documents on education;
- work book (for those with work experience);
- 3x4 photos;
- TIN;
- SNILS (insurance certificate);
- medical certificate;
- military ID (for conscripts).
Some organizations offer the applicant to undergo a medical examination when applying for a job in a departmental hospital, the passage of a medical examination in this case is free.
After the medical certificate is provided, the application is signed by the head. The applicant is introduced to the signature with the local regulations and internal regulations of the enterprise. Then an employment contract is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains in the personnel department of the enterprise, the other is given to the employed person. An order for admission to the position is issued, about which an entry is made in the work book.
An employment contract is the main document regulating the terms of cooperation: according to it, the employee must perform certain functions (work), obey discipline, and the employer must provide good working conditions, pay timely wages and benefits, pay annual leave, sick leave. An employment contract can be open-ended and fixed-term, concluded for the period of absence of the employee, for example, during his illness.
It is possible to hire a job under a civil law contract. This is an agreement of equal parties on the performance of this or that work for a certain time and the corresponding payment or paid provision of services. It can be terminated unilaterally. Such an agreement is beneficial to the employer, because it frees him from a number of obligations provided for by the Labor Code.
You cannot start work without drawing up a contract, labor relations must be concluded in the form provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, only in this case the employee is insured against unpleasant surprises.