Ownership is a system of legal norms that regulate relations for the use, possession and disposal of the owner of the property that belongs to him.

Eligibility for use
Ownership is based on a system of legal rules that include the relationship concerning the goods in possession. There is a triad of property, which is governed by this right and includes three important components: use, possession and disposal of property.
Eligibility - the ability to extract useful properties from a product in the process of industrial or personal consumption. In this respect, property regulates the legal right of the owner to determine how he will handle his thing, without going beyond the current legislation. The general rule is that the owner personally determines the benefits of the goods belonging to him, therefore, any treatment with him is considered as its use, if it does not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Ownership eligibility
The second component of the property triad, which regulates legal relations, is the right of ownership. In fact, this is the possibility of domination over property, which is also justified from a legal point of view. Legal ownership of a product is a legal title that gives rise to ownership. At the same time, there is no requirement that the owner be in direct contact with the thing.
Legal ownership is based on a specific private right of the tenant, custodian, and so on. Thus, the boundaries of ownership and its conditions are determined. For example, the keeper cannot use the thing, but the tenant has such an opportunity. At the same time, property rights have such a property as elasticity. This means that in the absence of any restrictions on the use of the property of other persons, the property right is fully restored without the need for assurance of this from the legal side.
Eligibility of order
Another component of the property triad is the power to dispose. In this case, it is possible to determine the future of the product using legal acts. This includes rent, mortgage, and so on. Usually, the owner has complete independence in deciding on the disposal of his property. The order is based on the performance of various transactions that change the legal relationship to the owner's property. Thus, the partial right of use is transferred to others.
Property regulates legal relations using these three components. Each of them provides a basis for the commission of certain actions that do not contradict the law. With the help of such a system, the safety of both the property itself and its owner is ensured.