How To Write A HR Report

How To Write A HR Report
How To Write A HR Report

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HR report refers to documents used in statistical reporting. It can be prepared both at the request of an external organization (territorial statistics body, tax inspection, military enlistment office), and at an internal request. This document can be used by the management of your organization for accounting and analysis of labor resources, making personnel management decisions.

How to write a HR report
How to write a HR report


Step 1

The rules for writing a report on personnel are set out in the request of an external or higher organization. A sample form is attached to it, in accordance with which the requested information must be presented. As a rule, there are no difficulties with filling in - these are ordinary statistical information about the number of employees, their education, age, etc.

Step 2

HR reports for an organization's internal needs may vary as each enterprise has its own needs. Talk to the management of your company, discuss what information about the staffing will be interesting, and how often they should be submitted. Develop and approve reporting forms.

Step 3

The main report should include statistical information on the number of employees, divided into those who have higher or vocational education, taking into account the age: up to 50 years old, 50 years old and older, including retirement age. Indicate the total number of employees in these categories, how many of them fill their positions on a competitive basis, how many have passed certification, how many specialists and managers are recognized as not corresponding to their positions. In the general report, reflect how many employees of the enterprise during the reporting period studied at advanced training courses, completed internships abroad, and also have scientific degrees and titles.

Step 4

In the HR report, reflect the current need for specialists with higher and secondary vocational education at the beginning and end of the reporting period. Break down the total number of vacancies by line of business for your business to make your report more descriptive.

Step 5

Calculate the employee turnover rate in the report, which is equal to the ratio of the number of dismissed employees of the enterprise to the average number of employees for the same period. It makes sense in the report to provide a form that reflects the reasons for dismissal: of their own free will, for absenteeism or violation of safety requirements, due to dissatisfaction with wages or working conditions, for natural reasons. Calculate the rate of employee turnover, both general and specific, associated with one of the listed reasons.

Step 6

Draw conclusions on the report, analyze the work with personnel and the state of labor resources in the enterprise. Suggest measures to improve performance and address staffing needs.
