A sales manager is a person whose success in work directly depends on his ability to communicate, find a common language with people and understand their needs. These are the qualities that any salesperson should work on. Some manager interview questions are very common, but that also means that some of the answers to these questions are common as well. Think about them in advance if you don't find an answer right away.

Step 1
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? This question is probably the most common, and it would not hurt to answer it not so much for the HR as for himself. Think about how you plan to develop. On the one hand, you need to outline impressive prospects for yourself, and on the other hand, you shouldn't get too far off the ground either. Your goal should "ignite" you, then, telling someone else about it, you will be able not only to impress, but also to bring its achievement closer.
Step 2
Your worst and best character traits? Crystal honesty is not the key to answering these questions. Here's an interesting way to define your qualities, the answer to which will certainly not disappoint: write down 10 of your best (your favorite) qualities in a column. Now divide them by 5 that others admire and 5 that people find questionable or not suitable for your profession. The former are your best and the latter are your worst character traits.
Step 3
Can you cheat? This is a tricky question, and it’s better to come up with an answer in advance. You don't need to say yes or no straight out unless your unmistakable instinct tells you otherwise. It is necessary to give abstract reasoning, quite clear, but rather vague at the same time. It is clear that a sales manager sometimes deceives customers, or at least, to a large extent, is disingenuous with them. But saying yes, you can cheat is usually not the best course of action in an interview. As well as answering “no,” this may indicate that you are simply an inexperienced idealist.
Step 4
Your best deal. Come up with one or embellish an existing one that you are proud of. Just do not overdo it, because nowadays everything can be checked. If you are telling by giving names and dates, then the truth should prevail. You can think of the difficulty in negotiations, about additional points that prevented the conclusion of a deal.
Step 5
Do you do time management? If you are not aware of systems for self-organization, then never talk about this to the HR. He usually selects people on the basis of formal criteria, so not matching them will greatly degrade you in the eyes of this person.
Step 6
Are you resistant to stress? You must be resilient to stress. But the problem is that the HR officer may try to verify this by yelling at you or criticizing your appearance. Prepare in advance for such a turn of events, imagine that this is a theatrical production. So it actually is. Smile and laugh it off if you hear verification claims.