Statistics (from Lat. Status - state of affairs) its task is to collect, order, analyze and compare facts in quantitative terms. Any branch of the national economy has its own statistics, including economic. It is impossible to analyze the activities of any enterprise without collecting statistical data.

Step 1
Statistics are the backbone of any economic analysis. In addition, they are necessary for forecasting and planning the activities of any company, institution, enterprise. The more accurate the forecast will be, the longer the statistical information will be collected and processed.
Step 2
Statistics, which are kept at each individual enterprise, allow you to obtain the most reliable information in order to analyze the functioning of the labor market, capital, goods and services. To date, statistics, as a science, provides economists with a whole system of mathematical and statistical methods and tools used to calculate and control the reliability of statistical information. Such means and methods, widely used in the processing of statistical data, include the grouping method, statistical distribution series, variance, statistical tables.
Step 3
Statistics operates with absolute, relative and average values. Absolute values are indicators that are expressed in value, natural, conditionally natural and labor values. They can also be determined by calculation, such as, for example, turnover. Relative values are those that provide a numerical expression of the difference between two comparable statistical values. Averages include statistical data obtained by summarizing the quantitative assessment of economic phenomena, regardless of the differences between individual units that make up a certain population.
Step 4
To analyze the economic activity of an enterprise, various samples are also used, the purpose of which is to obtain sufficiently representative and reliable data. Such samples can be mechanical, typical, serial, combined and small.
Step 5
Using statistical data, you can calculate inflation, profit, profitability and draw conclusions about the company's solvency and its financial stability.