Statistics have always been an integral part of the correct planning of many spectra of our life. Timely collected and reliable data is the key to success in solving the assigned tasks. The report for statistics is done by time periods: ten days, month, quarter, half year, year, etc. To compile a monthly report, you can use special programs. If no program is suitable for solving the task at hand, then use the classical methods.

Step 1
Get yourself an electronic diary. For simplicity, it can be compiled in standard World and Excel programs.
Step 2
If you do not have constant access to a computer or during working hours you have to observe different processes at a remote distance, then print a diary. Put it in a more convenient place where you can always have access to it. Keep a pen and notepad with you. Periodically or at the end of the day, you can rewrite data from a notebook into a diary.
Step 3
If the report is voluminous and you need to collect a lot of data, get your colleagues involved. Assign responsibilities as they participate in the process. This is especially important when you need to keep track of daily data. Collect the information you need each day. At the end of the month, you won't have time to look for unrecorded data. The statistics department usually gives 1-2 days to complete the report. Everything should be clear and organized.
Step 4
Summarize the data collection periodically. Every ten days (1st to 10th, 11th to 20th, 21st to 30 / 31st). This will speed up the writing of the report at the end of the month.
Step 5
If you have questions during data collection, please contact statisticians. It is also important for them that you do everything as correctly as possible.
Step 6
Determine the algorithm for writing the report: what you will do first, what then, and what at the end. Having written a report several times in this way, you will acquire certain skills and, as they say, "get your hands on it." This will further reduce the time to complete the work.
Step 7
First of all, deal with the daily data, then on the "ten days", and last of all, the data that are taken into account in statistics as a total at the end of the month. Since in statistics many parameters are related to each other, pay more attention to the data, which is considered in more detail. This will help you avoid mistakes.
Step 8
Check the report again before submitting it.