How To Control Workers

How To Control Workers
How To Control Workers

Table of contents:


Excessive control irritates talented employees seeking independence. On the other hand, without proper control, management cannot respond to critical situations in time. Competent feedback will help you work effectively with different categories of people.

How to control workers
How to control workers


Step 1

Determine the type of each employee in terms of decision-making autonomy - novice or professional. It has nothing to do with education or work skills. If a person has just joined the organization, for some time he can be considered a beginner. If an employee does a good job at the current task, it is better not to control him with the methods applied to newcomers: a different approach is needed for professionals. Some people remain newbies regardless of their seniority in the company - this is due to low self-esteem. Such employees always need support, approval - this cannot be neglected.

Step 2

Define areas of control. Explain to newcomers that you will be checking every step and demanding detailed reports and plans. Agree with professionals what tasks they can perform on their own, without interim reporting, contacting only in case of difficulty.

Step 3

Delegate authority. Give professionals as much responsibility as possible. Challenge them, show them perspectives. Try not to push newbies out of their comfort zone unless they show the desire to become professionals.

Step 4

Require beginners to report instantly when they deviate from the course. These people must work clearly according to the instructions. Make plans for them, or require them to agree with the manager on the plans they develop themselves. Employees should know the time frame of the current task and contact their boss if they realize they are not meeting the deadline or are experiencing other difficulties.

Step 5

Monitor professionals with KPIs. These people do not need total control and accountability for every step. It is enough to discuss with them a plan of action and a time frame for summing up the interim results. They will solve minor problems on their own. But don't let things go by themselves, so that employees don't relax and don't make mistakes associated with overconfidence.
