In short, the essence of the management process can be formulated as the achievement of the set goal by someone else's hands. The transfer of control commands emanating from the head of the enterprise and broadcast through the heads of departments is carried out using a chain of orders. The task of each manager, standing at the nodal point of the structural scheme of the company's work, is the correct formulation of such orders, which does not allow for ambiguous interpretations and excludes the possibility of their non-fulfillment.

How to give the order correctly
It is necessary to give the order correctly and at the same time make sure that the employee understands it and knows how to achieve your goal. Therefore, the process of issuing orders should have a certain sequence and consist of several steps.
For starters, never give orders on the run, especially if they are really important directions. It is best to do this in the office, so it will be easier to grab the employee's attention and make him immediately concentrate on what you are going to say to him. Check his willingness to listen and outline the problem or general problem. Briefly summarize what is required to solve it. It is advisable if you force the employee to formulate this task independently with leading questions. In this case, he will carry out it with special zeal, since he will consider that this is his decision and he is responsible for its successful implementation.
Concretize the process of completing the task in steps, referring to those sources and resources that will be required in its solution. Set a deadline for completing each step or the entire task as a whole, indicating the performance criteria. Do not be lazy and check again how correctly the goal is understood and the way to achieve it is clear. Indicate what possible mistakes can be made to prevent them. Motivate the employee to comply with this order and end the conversation by making it clear that it is time to move from words to deeds.
Psychological nuances
In order for your correct algorithm for issuing orders to work 100%, it is necessary to take into account some psychological aspects. So that everything you say is understood unambiguously, talk to the employee, taking into account his intellect and experience. The order should not contain irony or double meaning. Do not use artistic techniques when expressing your idea - be specific and clear.
Give up the wording: "I need …", "I want …", etc., speak so that the task is perceived as a necessity for a common cause, the needs of the company. Pay attention to the intonation with which you give the order. A polite detached, threatening, or commanding tone evokes internal protest and discourages the person from following your orders. Trust and respect - this is what a leader must demonstrate, who wants his requests and orders to be unconditionally and correctly carried out.