Usually professional announcers, actors or radio hosts are involved in dubbing films. But, as they say, "it is not the gods who burn the pots." Anyone can become a voice-over specialist with a strong desire and good initial data.

What qualities are needed?
First, an extensive vocabulary and a good knowledge of the Russian language. For example, so that instead of the correct words "sound" or "sound" not to use "sound". Or not to be mistaken with the accents - after all, during the voice acting, you will have to read the text, knowing exactly how to pronounce a particular word.
Second, your diction must be flawless. If there are any speech therapy problems, it will not work to become an announcer until they are eliminated. We need to work with a speech therapist, which in some cases can take several years. However, if dubbing films is your lifelong dream, you will certainly be able to make it a reality.
Thirdly, you need to put the announcer's voice. This will allow you to achieve the necessary expressiveness, form the timbre of the voice (this will be the so-called creative, specially formed timbre) and master the technique of speech modulation. Typically speaking, voice production is handled by public speaking specialists. You can sign up for courses or work with such a specialist on an individual basis.
How to learn voice acting?
In order to try your hand at dubbing films, you need the appropriate equipment (microphone, mixing console, headphones and a computer with a program for sound processing). You need to record sound in a room isolated from extraneous noise.
To get started, take a short text (such as an excerpt from a play or script) and just read it aloud first. Try to read expressively, with pauses, pronouncing the words well. The responses of different characters should be read, modulating the voice so that the listener can understand that different people are conducting the dialogue, that at this moment they are experiencing a certain range of emotions.
In the process of reading, you will understand which words or sentences are causing you difficulties. These words can be underlined, highlighted in large print, so that while recording on the microphone, you can not read them, but pronounce them from memory (this will keep the pace of speech). You should also note the places where you need to pause.
Then you can start recording. Turn on your microphone, open your recording software, and read a few sentences. Put on your headphones and listen to how your announcer's voice sounds. If you hear that the sounds "p", "b" and "c" are knocked out of the general sound range, you need to work with the sound settings or sit further from the microphone.
When you learn how to make such recordings and the quality of the voice acting is satisfactory, you can start looking for a job. Send samples of recordings to specialized studios, film companies, create a portfolio on sites that offer recording services - and luck will certainly smile on you!